Introducing the VIP Exclusive Mastermind

An exclusive group of peers carefully selected to help one another build their business, break through personal barriers, and reach our true potentials.


Every successful person utilised the minds of others.

Join both Helen Mitas and Clive Girdham in this unique journey.

Helen Mitas is an author, global speaker, Hypnotist of the Year 2018 , is considered the World's Number 1 Hypnotherapy Business Coach with a 7 figure business . Helen has over 700 Hypnotherapists in her Mentoring Program and her ultimate mission is for her success story to be the success story of those that enter her sphere.

Clive Girdham is a Marketing and Technical Guru whose focus is building multiple 6 figure passive income streams for both himself and his Entrepreneur mentoring clients. He has numerous stock exchange listed CEO clients that he coaches.

You became self employed for a reason, to help people and become successful, yet it's still a struggle after all this time.

Building a successful business can be a lonely journey. You can feel yourself at the edge of a breakthrough one day and despondent the next.

Family members don't understand why you don't just get a 9-5 "secure" job.

The truth is you have this burning desire to succeed and to fully express what you were put on this planet to do.

You've probably paid for many courses, coaching, mentoring and you are still getting no where fast.

Napoleon Hill the author of "Think and Grow Rich" wrote

“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”

A Mastermind correctly structured with a carefully selected membership goes above and beyond what any individual could ever achieve by themselves.

Most masterminds fall short.

Typically they are run by a central figure with little collaboration. Members can be guarded about sharing their knowledge.

We should know, we are members of two very expensive high end Masterminds



1. There's little structure and purpose

Sure, you may have gotten great value, but it feels more like just throwing a bunch of people into a room together and hoping for the best. 

We think a structured, well-thought through experience is much more valuable.


2. They ignore your humanity and spirituality

Many masterminds only focus on tactics, strategies and the monies.

They forget about the stuff that really matters, like who you are, what you're here to do, and who you're looking to become.


3. They're all fluff

When everybody is just patting you on the back and saying "you go, girl!" (or "you go, boy!"), and no one has the courage to bring up the difficult stuff that really matters, everyone suffers.

Real growth takes hard work, and too often these groups shy away from that.


We have set out to create a Mastermind that will address all of that and more.

A Mastermind that would be different.

A Mastermind that's focused completely on you and your development.

That views you as a whole person and uses that as its foundation.

And that's exactly what we've done.

The VIP Growth Mastermind has 3 main focuses


Personal Growth

It all starts with you. This is the foundation of your growth and success. Be challenged, refined, and supported like never before.

Strategic Skills

Running a thriving, healthy, and successful business is a challenge. Learn from those who are doing it well already.

Practical Work

All the strategy in the world means nothing if not implemented. Get coaching exercises and software training that moves the needle.

What's Included

All boats rise with the tide

An opportunity for strategic alliances with the best. Nothing like this type of accountability to get a big project off the ground.

Exclusive access to Helen and Clive and their wealth of resources.

Sharing common values and complimentary approaches the Ying and Yang combination is utterly unique and creates the most complete system available. 

No more going it alone, no more struggle.

Tap into the experience and learnings from 10'000s of hours business building and development





Community and Content

  • Private Facebook Page
  • Content Portal
  • Monthly content to follow the Leader Success Blueprint


Access to a small group of incredible entrepreneurs

Each member is intentionally screened and with a 20 seat limit, the group will stay small, intimate, and powerful. This helps you develop real relationships and get more focused value from the group.

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7 Day Retreat

Imagine those powerful insightful conversations over dinner in a beautiful location. Finding out how successful people think is a huge advantage & of course you are the average of the people closest to you so who are you currently the average of ?

90-day action plans

Every 90 days, we'll ask you to put together an action plan that says exactly what you want to get done in the next 90-day period, and how you're going to commit to getting it done.

We'll hold each other accountable and the most successful among us gets bragging rights. How awesome is that?!


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1 monthly online Mastermind call

This is where you can ask the group for help "live". With such an amazing group of people, there's going to be an insightful answer to any question or challenge you have.

There's also nothing worse than a badly run conference call where people don't get to the point. These won't be like that, we promise.






1 monthly group strategy Mastermind

Ask your questions, get practical, no B.S. answers on topics like...

  • identify who you really are
  • strategy and execution
  • group coaching programs
  • producing high end online content 
  • financial mindset shifting
  • copywriting for success
  • and SO much more
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12 SOS Personal Calls, Unlimited text and email contact

Need 1:1 or 1:2 specific help now?

  • With Helen and Clive
  • With Helen
  • With Clive
  • Any topic
  • Any time (subject to a good nights sleep)


A unique and powerful onboarding process

We'll send you a combination of personality tests and introspective exercises so that you know exactly:

 Who you are
 What you're here to do
 Who you want to grow into, and 
 Where you want to be at the end of the year

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How much is struggling alone costing you?

How much could you actually make if you had nothing in your way? What heights could you REALLY climb to? How much more could you offer the world, your family, your co-workers with the right support behind you?

This investment has the power to completely transform your life. A better, more fulfilled, more whole existence is waiting for you. Don't let the opportunity pass by. 

Just imagine.....

Earn an extra $15,000/Month Within 90 Days, and Hit an extra $30,000+ Monthly RECURRING INCOME in as Little as 1 Year.

Can't imagine that?

That's just the beginning....
How about becoming a recognised leader in your niche?

Submit an application today and if you seem like a good fit for the Group we will be chatting very soon.

too your enduring success
Helen Mitas/Clive Girdham

Helen and Clive are only seeking expressions of interest from spiritually evolved souls committed to exponential growth and to the benefit of others.

If you are a "hell yes" person then let's talk

1. Submit an application

We vet each member to make sure they're a good fit and ready to commit.

2. Complete the onboarding

We help you learn about yourself and set a tangible goal for the year.

3. Succeed with freedom

Become the powerhouse leader you know you're capable of.

Applications Open Now









Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

What if I can't make all of the in-person meetings/calls/etc?

The calls will be recorded so you can access them anytime.

While the in-person meetings are a huge part of the mastermind they aren't everything. You'll still get far more value than what you invested.

What if I already have a coach or mentor?

That's great, that means you value learning. But why should there be a cap? A coach or mentor has their own limits of experience and knowledge

Do I have to participate in everything?

No, not at all. But why would you invest in something so valuable and not take advantage of it?

Is there any content?

Aside from the super valuable Mastermind Synergies, fresh monthly content is uploaded to the member only online portal.