A bit about me....

Hello, my name is Clive Girdham, I help many people with many different problems depending on the hat I am wearing on the day

I might be wearing a Coach hat, a Hypnotherapist hat, a Counsellors hat, a Technical support hat.

For many years I held down a 9-5 day job but always yearned for more. I came across Hypnotherapy and NLP and became intrigued  by it.

I studied many online courses and eventually found myself moonlighting evenings and weekends.

I had one of those typical corporate jobs where company restructures were an everyday occurrence. Co-workers ticking boxes and being overly compliant so not to become the next victim of the dreaded “Performance Improvement Plan” aka you are fired!

Then it was time for my department to be restructured and I was given the life changing opportunity to break free from the 9-5 paradigm and I took it.

Today I have my own therapy business and help people with problems such as addictions to drugs, alcohol and gambling. I also have a highly popular online training program for Hypnotherapists teaching them how to conduct successful stop smoking sessions.

I’ve sold hundreds of this program all over the World (I love passive income).

I volunteer around 10 hours per week as a call taker and supervisor on a national suicide support line.  If you want the fast track to thinking on your feet then you might want to try this massively rewarding role.

Thanks to the online World (I’ve been on the net since day 1) I’m able to help other therapists improve their own skills by teaching them specific techniques for particular problems.

I have invested 10’s of thousands of dollars in my education towards becoming a better coach, business person and therapist. I’ve wasted a lot of money on shonky courses and I’m now at a stage in my life where I call a spade a spade.

Time is ticking and it’s time to knuckle down and do the stuff that works and not become distracted by all the fluff out there.

What I’m really excellent at is helping self employed business owners attract and retain clients by cutting through their limiting beliefs and showing them how to utilise the free cutting edge technology that the internet allows for.

Being a bit of a geek and natural born educator I get excited by showing people like yourself what is truly possible.

There are many links around this site pointing to either a Strategy session call or to have a look at one of my case studies so I encourage you to take a peak or set up a call with myself.

Lets speak soon

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What's a Strategy Session?

This is an opportunity for both of us to discuss your current needs and whether or not I can help you. It's obligation free and not a sales call. 


What's in the Case Study?
It's a 20 minute video demonstrating how I worked with a Therapist who was devaluing her services out of fear of not being good enough

Blog Posts



" I totally recommend Clive as
a coach. He's very easy to
talk with and open up to.
I left our meeting with a
happy head full of ideas and
inspiration. I will definitely
keep seeing him"

Screen Shot 2019-02-16 at 2.43.10 pm.pngNico Kenny