Top CEOs have a Mentor

Top Coaches have a Mentor

Failed Business's had no Business Mentoring

Keep doing what you are doing and you'll get more of the same

What Mentoring is Not

Mentoring is not a step by step guide

Mentoring is not prescriptive

Mentoring is not supervision

Is Mentoring Coaching?

This quote from the web explains it perfectly

Coaching is task oriented. The focus is on concrete issues, such as managing more effectively, speaking more articulately, and learning how to think strategically. This requires a content expert (coach) who is capable of teaching the coachee how to develop these skills.

Mentoring is relationship oriented. It seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentee shares whatever issues affect his or her professional and personal success. Although specific learning goals or competencies may be used as a basis for creating the relationship, its focus goes beyond these areas to include things, such as work/life balance, self-confidence, self-perception, and how the personal influences the professional.

So what is The Ultimate Mentoring Program?

You are the agenda, transformation is the goal.

The current “you” is getting what you designed. You are the architect of your success today. No one is to blame, you are fully responsible for your current results.

Transformation involves challenging your current paradigm and setting sail on a journey of alchemy.

Imagine waking up and thinking different about yourself and your business.

Would you get different results?

That’s transformation, you are not stuck with the current “you”

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  • Clive Girdham

    “Thank you Clive for your help and support to re-structure and develop my business, by considering carefully where I want to go with it and removing those mental blockages that held me back from being all that I can be. I recently took my business, OldPain2Go Training, to 5 cities in Australia and this only came to pass because of your assistance, encouragement and the sharing of your knowledge and experience. Since arriving home I have had the confidence to dramatically increase my prices, as I not only recognise my worth I also understand the dynamics of the business model I am creating and how beneficial it is to reflect the price matching the quality of service we give. I have great faith in having a very abundant future thanks to you. You are an amazing guy and it was a privilege to have that time with you.”
