Did you know that if you advertise your page on Facebook then after 4 days the Facebook algorithm will have narrowed your carefully targeted audience to 10% of your initial target.
One of the biggest mistakes novice Facebook Marketers make is having too small an audience. They also have very little variation in the adverts that are in the ad-set. At best they may use different images.
Another mistake they make is not setting nor checking the campaigns Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to know whether or not the campaign is performing well. They focus on cost per click rather than return in investment.
Facebook has many rules about adverts as it wants it’s users to have the best possible experience so you need to comply with these rules or risk having your advertising campaign banned.
It will also assess your Facebook Pages relevancy with its “currency”. Are you posting regular posts and have a few hundred likes or is your Facebook page a ghost town? It will check if your page is fully compliant to its rules and if not will not present your advert.
Understand the rules before throwing your money into a slot machine.
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